advert: sparrow research
Core Idea
As an artist myself as well as my fellow group mates (Nathan and Khaled), obtaining the best material to produce art is one of the requirements an artist may need.
When I first heard about the famous artists' partner in crime, Blackwing 602, the world's best graphite pencil with the slogan of: "Half the pressure, twice the speed.", catching the hearts of all artists back in the 30s' to 90s'. My first encounter was a YouTube video from Good Mythical Morning:
This is when Nathan, Khaled and I decided to give it a go on choosing the topic for advertisement to be related to something that we all share as an interest/needed for our pathway.
Our advertisement is more of an imaginary competition towards the actual Blackwing 602, this is when we had the idea of making the slogan: "One-forth the pressure, three times the speed."
Below are the examples of research that I did while making the final product:

I've researched more on vintage styled advertisements which may help on our advertisement. Due to the fact that the Blackwing 602 first came out in the 30s', they didn't exactly have the perfect advertisement for such an impact-able pencil, which I had decided to create a vintage styled advertisement showing that our imaginary pencil product was a competition towards the Blackwing 602 pencil back in the days.
Vintage Style
The reason that I had chose to use a more vintage style for the advertisement was because of the time stamp of the competition between the Blackwing pencil and the Sparrow pencil that we had imaginary created. The Blackwing pencil first began production at the year 1934 by the company: The Eberhard Faber Pencil Company. As a competition to the pencil, it wouldn't be as great if the competition pencil exists 80 years after the original pencil. Nathan believed that it was a great idea to add some humour into our product as well as the advertisement itself to make the entire project more alive and hilarious in some ways.
[Source: Fila Pencil]
Vintage posters/advertisements would normally give out an old vibe, which they would normally add colours such as brown with a mix of yellow ochre, following up with additional colours. Vintage styled posters would mostly have limited colours, which it is best to be that way due to the reason that it would look a bit more "futuristic" if it contains too much colour.
Creating the Advertisement
Creating the actual product is much of a pain, with my computer broken and the university's systems not working while I was doing my project, but I ended up pulling it through.
At the beginning, my idea kept on changing which caused a feature creep. I did a lot of research on different types of Sparrow Logo which currently exists.

[Source: Sparrow 1, Sparrow 2, Black Sparrow]
[Source: Abstract Triangle Sparrow Bird Logo]
I went on with the last logo which uses the idea of abstract triangles, as a personal reference, I find unique as a logo to be placed as due to its abstract-ness.
I had a lot of errors while creating the perfect logo for the advert, it even took me more time than creating the entire poster itself! I believe that it is a matter of being able to generate ideas on the spot which is the most important thing than techniques to complete the entire project.
When I first started, I planned out how I want it to look, which is mostly random in triangular shapes. I did a sketch according to the abstract triangle style which I had referenced with by using the picture above. I was really fond on the design that I made so I decided to proceed with the idea.
I started off by outlining the logo to show a more definite lines of the logo.
I started off by outlining the logo to show a more definite lines of the logo.
I started filling in the colours, with the help of the abstract triangles palette. By using the abstract triangles palette, I was able to reference to it and change from there.
[Source: Abstract Triangles]
Overall, I believed that it is a great idea which Nathan had came up with about adding humour into our advertisement. I find it interesting and attracts more new customers or viewers to be interested in the product, in the other hand, some others may not understand the humour behind the advertisement which would make them confused about the entire advertisement in general, which would not be a good thing after all. Our group had received great reviews on the advertisement itself, but, the main point that kept appearing was the fact that some others might not get what the advertisement is trying to convey. As what Zoe (3D Process teacher) had suggested was that it would be more convenient for the audiences if it was more of a straightforward advertisement, which will allow the audience to obtain the message easier.
Good start to the blog, but it seems you have not posted in a while. Please upload your group feedback and a reflection on the feedback for this project. Please add a description of how the final advert was made, which digital software did you use? Please make sure you are updating your blog regularly, as you have an assessment this Thursday.