major project: storytelling research 1


When I was working on my high school personal project, I had researched a lot regarding how a video game narrative should look like and how I should plan it. A lot of research was needed in order to create the perfect fundimental package of game design. My game design coaching teacher was Mr. Zakren Yazid at that current time. Mr. Zakh had been a great help for the entire duration of my personal project even though he wasn't my supervisor in charge. Mr. Zakh had suggested to use the Hero's Journey/Plot Diagram to get my storyline going. Plot diagram includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution in order to make the story more interesting. Back then, I was creating a game which is an episodic game, therefore, each episode/chapter of the game will have its own plot diagram, and in the end of every chapter, there will be a cliffhanger for the next chapter of the game. I had created chapter one's plot diagram of the story show below:

The plot diagram above showcases the first chapter of the of the project that I was working on. The project was also focused on psychological problems which is my personal favourite. It talked about identities, personalities, emotions and disorders of the 5 main characters that I had created. The story contains 5 main characters, 1 antagonist and one reoccuring and trigger character to allow the characters to circle around the problem of that one reoccuring character.

Harper Siege (Senior Investigator of KCKPD)
Harper is a Senior Investigator worked for the KCKPD in order to find the truth behind her family's death as well as her origin of the story.

Saige Lincoln (Comedy Acting Student of Darwin Academy)
Saige is a Comedy Acting student of Darwin Academy. Saige's life has not exactly been the best as she saw her parents murdered right in front of her when she was a kid, after becoming an orphan, her grandparents took her in but was murdered as well. Saige's emotions are not stable as she suffers from depression from what she had saw.

Doyle Carter (Modern Music Student of Darwin Academy)
Doyle is a Modern Music student of Darwin Academy. Doyle has anger issues as it is not much of a good thing to trigger him in any way.

Kathlin Ward (Fashion Design Student of Darwin Academy)
Kathlin is a Fashion Design student of Darwin Academy. Kathlin is a freshman in Darwin Academy and is an average/good student in all teacher's eyes. Later that year, Kathlin was raped and got pregnant. Kathlin acts cute and shy depending on the situation she is in. Kathlin and Doyle are extremely close. When Kathlin was raped and pregnant, Doyle was there to help Kathlin throughout the entire duration of her depression state due to the incident.

Edward Dixon (Robotics Student of Darwin Academy)
Edward is a Robotics student of Darwin Academy. Edward suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, after having his heart replaced with his brother (Will)'s heart after the accident Will was involved in.

Quinton Collins (Fine Art Student of Darwin Academy)
Quinton is a Fine Art student of Darwin Academy. Not much information about Quinton was given except for him suffering from depression. Quinton is a trigger character.

Christopher Mason
Christopher's identity is practically unknown, Christopher could've suffered from delusion which caused him to go insane.

In order to get the entire project started, I had to get my plans all sorted out. I started off this project knowing nothing, and now I learnt all the basics of how a game is designed from the beginning to the end. I also need to make sure that I have my target audience, my information and function, what my product is for, how it can help others:

After planning out what the purpose of this project is about, I had to start practicing my skills on designing the game itself. I may not have completed everything in the duration of 9 months, but I believe it is the most a 15/16 year old can ever do at that time.

In order to achieve what I want and how I want the project to turn out, I had to make sure I had received the proper training and self studies in order to proceed to create the project itself. A lot of students struggle while working on this personal project even though we are to create anything we want, they're unable to choose something that they like and enjoy making, which led them to be trapped in a ball of hate towards the personal project that they had created.

Below you can find the full report link of the Personal Project: Ashley's Paradox
Report Link


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